A Ghosting We Will Go!

One of our favorite Halloween Family Traditions is Ghosting.  Since before Donnie and I had kids, we have been "spreading ghostie cheer" to our friends and neighbors.  This past weekend was our official Ghosting Weekend (six houses in two nights ~ we're serious Ghosters)...

Step 1.  Fill buckets full of Fun Halloween treats and goodies.
(superhero capes and silly hats optional, although they do help little Ghosts run faster!)

Step 2.  Sneak quietly and quickly to the front doors of your friends and neighbors.
(not getting caught is all part of the fun!)

Step 3.  Set treat filled bucket on the doorstep, pound on door, ring doorbell and quickly run and jump into the Get-Away Car...
(little ghosts always appear blurry in photos... very SPOOKY!!!)

Step 4.  Get caught ghosting at the home of some of your closest friends, and invite yourselves to dinner.  Send Dads to fetch pizza at the new joint down the hill (it took them forever to get home), and Ghost the last house on your list together!!!


Mardean said…
This is fantastic, the picture of Gracie and Nathan running make them look like little ghosts for sure! Have fun and don't get caught!
Love, MOM
Unknown said…
Oh and don't for a second think your ghosting went unappreciated...it was a hit!

Now when I get my act together we will return the fun.

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