Fall Break ~ Day #2
Tuesday took us tromping through the Phoenix Zoo while wearing our birthday... bathing suits.

When Gracie was in preschool, the kids and I went to the zoo almost every week. It was great to once again enjoy a weekday visit to one of our favorite stomping grounds with my girl.

Nathan was not happy about sharing the telescope with his big sister.

Nathan loves looking at his GIRAFEEZ through the telescope.

Gracie convinced her baby brother to ride the camel for the very first time today. This camels name was Mohave and it was his very first day on the job.

All of the animals were active today, they too must be happy that cool weather is almost here!
Our friends the Burkharts joined us, Snow Cones for everyone!

This guy either wanted to make friends or eat our snow cones...

Cherry Snow Cone ~ Cherry Bikini ~ Cherry Girl

The zoo has an awesome new water play area for the kids, complete with slides, caves, sound effects and a river to walk through. Nate ran into the cave with his trunks on... and ran out naked as a jay bird.

He thought it was hilarious. He giggled, laughed and ran to the other side of this fence so that I wouldn't be able to catch him.


We said goodbye to the zoo with a visit to the Monkey Village. Gracie was both intrigued and disgusted by their poop.

Right after this picture was taken, the little monkey in this picture jumped onto the rope right next to my (fully clothed) little monkey. Nathan laughed, I screamed.
Love you all, have fun tomorrow.