the lost beach photos

Last month, we had an unbelievably great vacation at the beach.  Unfortunately, upon arriving home, we experienced a major camera malfunction and discovered that all of the pictures on our little camera were missing, never to be seen again ~ we thought.... until, my awesome husband somehow tweaked the camera and found the lost pictures.

So, without further ado.  Here they are... (in completely random order), the lost beach photos...  

Frisbee with Dad

Nate snuggled up ~ sleeping on my chest during sunset.  BLISS.

little brother chasing Big Sister

Nathan's rock train was over 20 feet long!  

our beach babes

my whole world

the girls
(see Shannon, my nose is sorta biggish... please reconsider p.s.w.)

We met this guy at the end of the Ocean Beach Pier... Donnie and Nate told him that they liked his ride... his response... "Only in California Man, only in California!"

The flowers at the farmers market were only $1.50 - $4.00 a bouquet.  We bought Gracie a bunch and she brought them back home to Arizona with us.

daddy daughter giggles

Nate and Gracie's perfect lunch... Sandy Chicken on our Jones Beach blanket.
Mom was in charge of sunblock... I missed a spot... which resulted in my having to pay $15.00 for Solarcaine at the hotel gift shop... oops!

We walked to the end of the pier for burgers, fries and milkshakes at Ruby's... a family favorite.

the boys

Who's looking at who???

thinking about living by the ocean is our favorite daydream...

Walking the pier to Ruby's, peeking in the fisherman's buckets, breathing the cool sea air and watching the guys surf at night, underneath the pier with glo-sticks strapped to their arms... AWESOME!!!


Kylie Smith said…
Hey Loraine

I totally remember you! Ann talks about you and the kids lots too. I feel like we are buddies even though it was just a few minutes. I love the beach pictures. I miss the ocean so bad! Also I love you went to Sea World!
Shannon said…
Oh YAY! I am so happy that you didn't lose these pictures. They are wonderful!!! You guys totally look like a family that should live on the beach. About your's totally the angle that's making it LOOK big. Nice try though BS.
Mardean said…
I love the picture of the beach babes, they look like they are from another ere, maybe the 30's. I posted the picture on my desktop at work and everyone loves it. The rest of the pictures are great, I love the one of the flowers, it would go in my bathroom if I could blow it up.
Miss you all very much!MOM

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