Sister Birthday Wishes

Today is my little sisters birthday.  She is my best friend.
Happy Birthday ls.  I love and miss you.  BS

One of the things that my Sis and I have in common is that we are constantly buying cards that we never mail or give away.  Shannon, your birthday card this year is from inspire company.  Hopefully I'll get it in the mail, someday...
Shannon and I (circa 1982).  
Check out that cool sofa and green shag carpet!

Shannon and Donnie share the same birthday.  I don't think that it's just coincidence that two of the most precious people in my life were born on the same day.


Shannon said…
jenna said…
Oh my God... Shannon looks exactly the same. Soooo cute!

And she is the best.
Tammy said…
What a cute photo. I am almost positive we had one of those riding things at my house too!

Happy birthday to your special people.
Mardean said…
I was going to write yesterday, but I started reading Jenna's blog and looked for the picture of Jenna, Nate and Gracie. Jenna and you are great story tellers and photographers, it gives me such a lift everyday to read what you have written and the pictures are fantastic. The birthday greeting was a wonderful gift to Shannon, I cannot think of a better one. You and your family and Shannon are my greatest gifts. I love you all. MOM
At least she got to see what the card looks like!
You three are disgustingly cute, I just want to pinch your cheeks!
Kristen said…
Sorry I'm late on visiting your "fro post! Just got back from Family Camp!

Happy belated birthday~

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