The Ducks

Nathan attached himself to these ducks at Memaw and PaPa's house.  I wanted to take a moment to write about them because both of them are "related" to my Grammie and Grandpa Simmons. 

This is a stuffed mallard that Grammie and Grandpa gave to Aunt K and UB a long time ago.  It's just a doorstop, but Nate adopted him during our visit.

Nate's Great-Grandfather was a clown.  He dressed up to make kids happy at church, parades, Shriner events, etc.  He used this duck as part of his costume.  All of the Grandkids and now the Great-Grandkids have pushed "Tuko Duck" around.  He's been played with so much that my Aunt has needed to repair him several times.  Grandpa Simmons would really get a kick out of the fact that this duck is still with us and being played with by his great-grandson. 


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