Happy 4th of July!!!
We started off our Independence Day weekend with a last minute barbeque in our backyard and fireworks at the lake. Donnie and his buddies cooked the "Dad's World Famous Bratwurst" while the kids ran around and played in the water. After dinner we took the "LONG" 5 minute walk across the street to the fireworks.
Gracie and the gang shouting "Happy Birthday America!"
Notice how big Gracie and Nate's sunflowers have grown!!!
No celebration would be complete at our house without firecrackers and bottle rockets. Donnie's a big kid and whips out his stash of fireworks every time we have a party (our neighbors just love us!).
Nate wasn't too sure that he liked Dad's firecrackers this year.
With very red faces and great anticipation, we arrived at the lake to watch the fireworks. It was 100 degrees at 9:00pm.
Cracker Jacks and Red Vines...,. perfect firework food!
The show was was especially great over the lake.
Time with friends celebrating our freedom and this land that we love. It was a wonderful way to kick off our weekend!