Starry Safari
Every Friday night, all summer long the Phoenix Zoo hosts Starry Safari. Tonight we decided to brave the heat and "go into the wild!"

We couldn't keep Grace off of the waterslides.
Nate chose puddle jumping instead.
There's something magical about the zoo at night.
Our favorite animals tonight included the Girafeez (Nate's pronunciation), Zebra's and a close up encounter with an Elephant. The kids said, "goodnight" to all of the animals.
Grace and Nate won these prizes at the Frog Walk.
Wearing our pajamas on the zoo carousel at night was very cool.
I love you too Gracie.

Before tucking the kids into bed, we read the book Good Night, Gorilla. The book was given to us by Card Girl when Nate was born. It's one of our favorites and it was the perfect ending to our wild night.