Psalm 118:24

One of the greatest things about being a Mom is being able share all of the things that I loved as a child with my kids.  This afternoon while Nathan napped, Grace and I snuggled up on the sofa and watched one of my favorite movies, Pollyanna.  I love the movies message of friendship and Gladness.

In the movie, Pollyanna discovers that rainbow prisms can be made from crystals.  When the movie ended, I showed Gracie how to use crystals to create her very own rainbows.

I also told her about my grandparents stained glass windows.  When I was growing up, my grandpa and grandma had crystals in their living room windows that made rainbows all over the room every afternoon.  The rainbows are one of my favorite memories of their house.

This is the day that the Lord has made; 
let us rejoice and be GLAD in it.


Mardean said…
Gracie looks so pretty in these pictures. Mimi loves Pollyanna, the original and I am sure there is a new one. Loraine and I used to watch all of the shows. The best time was when we watched Little House on the Prairie with Aunt Gwen and cousins. We would wrap up in blankets and lay on the couches and be comfy! I loved those times!
Sandy said…
Your blog makes my heart SMILE!!!!!!

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