my SONshine

I deeply love this little boy.  

I am completely enjoying my special time alone with Nathan.  He is a stinker ~ happy, rambunctious, funny (yesterday he told me he's getting hair on his boobies like Daddy), smart and great to be with (most of the time).  

I think he's enjoying his Mommy Time too, although this morning when we left Gracie at the kindergarten playground he cried (real tears) and repeated "Gracie, come back ~ I want my Gracie back!!!

My time alone with Grace before she started school was different.  While she was perfectly content and happy to shop, cook, go to the mall, have lunch, do girlie things... Nate will have none of that.  He wants to play... all the time.  everyday.

He loves all thing BOY.  Motorcycles, trains, his little buddies, cars, Spiderman, baseball, dirt, messes, jumping, running, tractors...

He knows what he likes.  When we left the children's museum the other day, Nathan said "Mama, I love, love, love the green museum, and the girafeez at the zoo."

Nate is very athletic.  He flies around the house on his trike, scooter and skateboard.

He always has a dinosaur, car or train in his pockets.

Our nicknames for Nate are; Baby Boy, Nate the Great, Nater, Tiny but Mighty, John John, Naper Poon, Nate Dawg

The end.


Sandy said…
Our Baby Boys...are so similar!!!!!! have just described Zach to a tee! Mady will entertain herself, when she was little, we went with the flow...she loved doing things with me! Zach...MY ZACH, has to be entertained 24/7..he WILL NOT play alone...period!!!! Perhaps when you come visit they will entertain each other...if we were still in AZ Zach would be buds with Nate and Charlie!!!!
Mardean said…
Nate the great is growing up; his legs are getting so long and he is so handsome and cute at the same time! Enjoy him, he loves to do what his Daddy enjoys doing; but he has his mommy's eyes, her beautiful eyes and smile!
Kristen said…
He is simply scrumptious!

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