A great day with our good friends...
Today we discovered a brand new place to have indoor fun during the hot summer months. It's called A Little Surprise, and it's not too far from home. We had 3 of our very favorite girls spending the day with us, so we piled into our borrowed mini van to check it out!
The kids drove cars, dressed up, zoomed down the slides, put on dress up clothes, played school, fed the zoo animals, ate lunch, changed their dress up clothes, went shopping in the store, played house..... the list goes on. The best part ~ no clean up. We pay, kids play, they clean!
The kids loved it and I enjoyed relaxing in the Mommy Lounge with my Ground Control coffee. They played for over 3 hours and were good and tuckered out when it was time to go home...
Miss Mae's favorite room was the beauty shop dress up room.
Nate pretending that he was a MLB player in the baseball stadium.
Nate and I have haven't been feeling very good (head colds ~ AGAIN!!!). Gracie was sweet to Nathan all day today, holding his hand, helping him, etc. When it was time for the movie to begin, they sought each other out and sat together.
Gracie, the twins and their big sister. Gracie call's these girls her sisters. They've played together since they were babies.
Chief Nate and Firepal Gracie
Fireman Nate was not happy about having to share his fire truck with the girls...