Conversations with our Kids this week...

Grace: "Mom, look at my new puppy Diarrhea!"
Gracie's new Puppy DIARY!!!

Nathan: "Mama, I went poo poo in the potty!"
Mom: "Good Job Nathan!"
Nathan: "Mama, it's a BIG POOP!"
Mom: "Very Good!"
Nathan: "Mama, it's big like Daddy's!"

Mom: "Nate, is that popsicle good?"
Nate: "Yes, it's delicious!"

Nate: (franticly from the backseat) "Mama, Mama LOOK!!!"
Mom: "What Nathan?, What???"
Nate: (pointing to the steeple on top of the Mormon Church)  "LOOK ~ It's a ROCKET SHIP!!!"

Mom: "Gracie, pick up your baby doll, you shouldn't leave her laying around on the floor like that."
Gracie: "Oh, she's hurt."
Mom: "What happened to her?"
Gracie: "Somebody kicked her ass."

Mom: "Nathan, tell the waitress what you would like to drink."
Nate: "Beer!"

Mom: "Gracie, I cannot believe how big you are getting."
Gracie: "Look, my boobs are getting bigger too!"


Byron said…
I like the way Nate thinks, the beer part.

Tell Gracie not too soon, not too soon.
I am still laughing out loud all by myself!! That is hilarious!! I love your blog.
Mardean said…
You are going to be able to write a book, actually, I think you are writing a book! great read and a good giggle! Mimi

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