"Mama, It's my very own Bethlehem!"
Christmas Eve started with daddy reading the Christmas story to the kids and then our new tradition of scattering "Magic Reindeer Food" in the backyard. After leaving cookies, milk and a note for Santa. Gracie and Nate were snug in their beds. Donnie and I were up till three, setting up the Christmas tree. When the kids finally woke up, Gracie ran into the living room and upon seeing the gifts under the tree said, "Mama, It's my very own Bethelehem!". We gave Gracie a nativity set to play with and of all the gifts under the tree this was the first thing she noticed. Baby Nate was in a daze until he discovered his scooter, very 1st. trike and his favorite item of the day... a very noisy jackhammer from Uncle Jimmy!